Audition for the EYO!

Since 1991, the EYO's mission has been to provide the students of Northeast Alabama with major musical and educational experiences through training, development, and performance. Find out how you can be a part of one of the nation's premiere youth orchestra programs!


Audition Information


Auditions for the 2024-2025 Season of the Etowah Youth Orchestras

Audition Information
Auditions for the 2024-2025 season of the Etowah Youth Orchestras will be held at The Music Center at Temple Beth Israel in downtown Gadsden (761 Chestnut Street, corner of 8th and Chestnut Streets) from June 25-27, 2024. The EYO will be auditioning for open seats in the Etowah Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Etowah String Sinfonia. 


2024-2025 Audition Results

The following spots are open by audition in the EYO ensembles for the 2024-2025 season:

Etowah Youth Symphony Orchestra

Violin, viola, cello, string bass, flute, clarinet, bassoon, French horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium (for bass trombone), percussion, piano

Etowah String Sinfonia

Violin, viola, cello, string bass

EYO Double Reed Program

Alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone (for students wishing to learn and transfer to oboe or bassoon in an EYO ensemble).

It's a great question that we're asked frequently each year during audition season. To be honest, it's not black-and-white - in other words, we don't define ensemble levels by grade in school, age, number of years playing, or any other cookie-cutter type of criteria. Instead we take the time - for every student, on a case-by-case basis - to determine which of our ensembles is the BEST FIT. This takes into consideration the student's current performance level and abilities, as well as the student's potential that is demonstrated through the audition process.

Check out the EYO ensembles by clicking the button below to get an idea of the performance levels of each ensemble, and to see which ensemble might be the BEST FIT for you. Oh, and don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have about this, or any other aspect of the audition process or the Etowah Youth Orchestras in general - WE'RE HERE TO HELP!

EYO Ensembles

Audition Requirements

Part 1 – The Prepared Excerpt

All students wishing to audition for acceptance or promotion into any ensemble of the Etowah Youth Orchestras will be asked to prepare an excerpt of music provided by the EYO specifically for each instrument and ensemble.

String players will perform an excerpt that is specific to either the Etowah Youth Symphony Orchestra or the Etowah String Sinfonia.

Woodwind, brass, percussion and piano players are provided with two audition excerpts. Please prepare BOTH excerpts for your audition!

The prepared excerpts are selected from recent repertoire for the ensemble for which the student is auditioning, thus providing an audition experience comparable to the level of those ensembles. While you will not be asked to play the entire excerpt as provided in your audition due to time constraints, please be prepared to play ANY SECTION of the excerpt!

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PERCUSSION AUDITIONEES: Please prepare TWO (minimum) of the three provided excerpts (timpani, snare drum, mallets). Preference will be given to percussionists who prepare and perform all three excerpts. PREPARED EXCERPTS FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS AND ENSEMBLES CAN DOWNLOADED BY CLICKING ON THE LINKS BELOW!

Etowah Youth Symphony Orchestra -      Violin          Viola          Cello          String Bass

Etowah String Sinfonia -      Violin          Viola          Cello          String Bass

Etowah Double Reed Program -      Alto Saxophone         Tenor Saxophone         Baritone Saxophone

Etowah Youth Symphony Orchestra Woodwinds, Brass, & Percussion -      Flute          Clarinet          Bassoon          French Horn          Trumpet          Trombone/Euphonium          Tuba          Percussion          Piano

Part 2 – Scales

Scale Requirements – Strings

For acceptance into the Etowah String Sinfonia:

  • Major scales – A, C, D, F, G
  • Of these, the student selects one scale to play TWO OCTAVES
  • From the remaining scales, the judges select two scales to be played ONE OCTAVE
  • Bass students should prepare all scales in ONE OCTAVE

For acceptance or promotion into the Etowah Youth Symphony Orchestra:

  • Major scales – (two octaves minimum)

          Required – Ab, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, E, F, G

          Preferred – All major scales

  • Chromatic scale – two octaves

Scale Requirements – Woodwinds, Brass, Piano

For acceptance or promotion into the Etowah Youth Symphony Orchestra:

            Major scales – (two octaves minimum) (piano – two hands)

                        Required – Ab, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, E, F, G

                        Preferred – All major scales

            Chromatic scale – two octaves (piano – two hands)

Scale/Rudiment Requirements – Percussion

For acceptance or promotion into the Etowah Youth Symphony Orchestra:

  • Percussionists may choose to perform scales on marimba or rudiments on snare drum – preference will be given to those who can perform BOTH!
  • Scales – Major scales – (two octaves minimum)

          Required – Ab, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, E, F, G

          Preferred – All major scales

          Chromatic scale – two octaves

PLEASE NOTE – due to limited time during auditions, students auditioning for the Symphony will not be asked to play ALL of the noted scales and rudiments, BUT may be asked to play ANY of them!

Part 3 – Sight Reading

General Information
Students will be given 60 seconds to review the sight-reading excerpt and will then be asked to perform the excerpt. Sight reading excerpts will be selected from recent repertoire for the ensemble for which the student is auditioning, thus providing a sight-reading excerpt comparable to the level of the ensemble.

Sight Reading Excerpts – What to Expect

Etowah String Sinfonia:

  • Keys – A, C, D, F and G major; F#, A, B, D and E minor
  • Time signatures – 4/4, 3/4 and 2/4
  • Length of excerpt – 8-16 measures
  • Rhythms – whole, half, dotted-quarter, quarter and eighth notes

Etowah Youth Symphony Orchestra Strings, Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion:

  • Keys – All major and minor keys, atonal
  • Time signatures – any, including complex meters (7/8, 5/8, etc.)
  • Length of excerpt – 16-32 measures
  • Rhythms – any, including compound rhythms
NOTE: Percussion auditionees may select a sight-reading excerpt on timpani, snare drum, or mallet instruments – you will not be required to complete sight reading on all three!

Audition Procedures

  1. Please complete the online audition registration form HERE.
  2. If you have any questions about which ensemble to audition for, please contact the EYO offices at Please note, based on the audition, that a student will not be placed in a more advanced ensemble than he or she originally auditions for, but may be placed in a less advanced ensemble.
  3. The Prepared Audition Excerpts for all instruments and ensembles can be found above, with links for downloading all excerpts.
  4. Auditions will be held between January 6-7, 2025 at The Music Center at Temple Beth Israel (761 Chestnut Street, Gadsden). Audition times will be assigned based on the requested times indicated on the audition registration form, and will be emailed to the provided email address.
  5. If you are unable to attend the auditions on these dates, please contact the EYO offices at


Audition results will be posted on the EYO website and on the EYO Facebook page by Friday, January 10th, 2025

These auditions will serve to assign each student to a specific ensemble. No seating assignments will be determined based on these auditions.


Auditions are open to all students with at least two years of experience performing on a string, wind, brass, or percussion instrument.


For more information and updates, visit this page frequently, or check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube!

Audition Registration


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About the EYO

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The Ensembles of the EYO

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The EYO School String Orchestra Program

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